I’ve always had a very introverted personality and didn’t make a lot of friends. Recently, I moved to a new city wherein I met a lot of new people. These people are easygoing and chill, people you just want to be friends with. So I tried fitting in and making conversations but I feel like I’m just stuck at surface level interactions and up to now there is no one I can really call a friend. One of the people I met has like the same personality as me but tonight when we were hanging out he told me that he doesn’t believe in the idea of best friends. Weirdly, I told him he’s like the closest thing I have to a best friend and I feel like that made the interaction a bit awkward. Idk man just kinda hurts to know that a person or a group of people you consider or treat as friends don’t give the same treatment back. Oh well, what a lonely saturday night.

  1. it just means he has a lonely personality which is ok. doesn’t mean he’s not your friend

  2. I have a few good friends, but finding that best friend is hard, you sound pretty cool bro

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