Maybe this would be better suited to the social anxiety sub-reddit but I feel like it’s relevant here.

Just started a new job, its a basic entry level position, Ive been there about 2-3 weeks so far, its fine but the pay isnt great and its not in my main career path. Well I got offered a job that pays significantly better and is in my field, I would be stupid not to take it. So I have to quit my new job. The idea of turning in my two weeks after just finishing training, at a job that all things considered is not bad (the coworkers are super nice), fills me with so much anxiety. Having to spend 2 weeks there knowing im leaving, everybody knowing im leaving, makes me kinda freak out. I dont know how to get through this. I’m worried my previously nice and helpful coworkers are going to hate me, that I’ll be treated like an outcast or I might be pushed around. I just dont know how I can bring myself to do this…

  1. Not a big deal, seriously. Theres a better chance they just tell you to leave after you put your 2 weeks in. Explain the new job is in a more suited position towards your career path. You’re not the first or the last to quit. Breathe

  2. This just happened to my friend. I would have been SUPER nervous as well so I totally feel you on the anxiety. They can’t hold it against you for finding something that makes more sense for you. It’s your life and your well-being. Take the path that makes you feel right and don’t apologize for it. When bringing it up, I would try to remain cheerful and be excited for yourself. I think it would be reasonable though to acknowledge that you know it will be an inconvenience for them, but that this is an opportunity you just can’t pass up. As far as coworkers go, I’m sure you can explain to some of them the circumstances and word will get around. And you’re likely to not come in contact with them again anyway. My friend said she was anxious to bring it up but that everyone was really nice about it, supportive, and happy for her. That will likely be the outcome.

    I realized this is not exactly an answer to your question.. but I hope it’s helpful regardless

  3. If you don’t take this better job, you will regret it.

    And if they whine and gilt trip you when you quit, don’t go for their shit.

  4. You’re more concerned about what your co-workers will think of you instead of thinking about yourself.

    So what if those co-workers will give you nasty looks? They’re not you.

    It’s fear and shame that is blocking you from breaking free and quitting the job.

    Don’t put your feet in other people’s shoes (important), and don’t let fear and shame manipulate you into thinking a false reality (it’s poison for your healthy innocent brain, and you AND your brain do not want that).

    You need to come to understand that you are also human.

    You need to overcome your fear and shame (it will take days until you overcome these two problems).

    Lastly, and most importantly, don’t rely on Reddit, other social media’s, therapists, and people to fix your problem(s). This is a you problem, not other people’s problem.

    (You dont have to read this part):
    Majority of people such as you feel the need to rely on others to fix their problems when the prime individual themselves (you) can fix that. Just ask yourself, “What can I do to….?” and work your way from there. You have a brain for a reason, so use it. Don’t let your brain sit in your cranium without it making new neural connections (satire).

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