(15m) used to be much fatter(265 pounds at 14 5’5) and never was I asked out. My first 2 girls have been found on the internet and I never met niether. I’m still with my 2 one. I love my gf, just her voice makes my mood so much better even when shes mad or sad I cant help but be happy however since school started(I was on online school for 2 years) a pile of girls started coming for me starting on the very first day of school. I tell my gf about them when it happens but it’s starting to annoy me and my fears are getting me making me feel like a bad bf. 7 girls in a little over a month have asked me out or said to a friend they want me or acted like a friend and I found out was waiting for me to be available. My fear for 1 is that my gf will eventually leave me and by then no one will want me anymore and also I wasted the last while of my childhood on a online girl but also I want her in real life so bad. I decline all these girls saying I have a gf just bc I want this girl to meet me one day and love her. My female friends that arnt that way tell me they think I’m the funniest person ever but that still doesnt make since for the girls bc I didnt talk to them b4 they wanted me. Am I bad for fearing this? Am I just desperate for real life affection?

  1. No guy, and it’s good you are experiencing this now rather than later. Don’t stress about it. When you become anxious you can’t relax and behave how you have been, which seems to work for you. Just do your thing, but if you still seem frustrated do gym stuff. I know it’s cliche but just starting to do stuff like that helps work out alot of that stress. Or if that’s not your thing do activities you can see yourself passionate about doing in the future hobby stuff or stuff like languages things like that. Granted your 15 so your options are limited, but it’s also a great time to get your first job if you already haven’t and you can make friends that way.

    Just don’t worry or be afraid all the time. It isn’t good for you. Have fun, work hard, study hard, and be the best you can be. And most importantly do it for you, sucks at first tbh but hey this is only my opinion. So take it with a grain of salt.

  2. Pygmalion effect, be happy about it that prople are interested about you for losing weight while those who always were healthy are brushed aside

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