Was I emotionally cheated on?

It’s been over 6 months since I’ve broken up with my first love. He was my best friend for 4 years, and he was my boyfriend too for 3 months. I was basically the replacement for his ex and he kind of took advantage of my feelings. The only thing that makes me feel better is that he did have genuine feelings for a moment.

I’ve moved on from loving him, but the hurt/trauma is still there. I need lots of closure and understanding to move on completely.

In the last month of our relationship, he became distant. He yelled at me for something small even though it was his fault. He was more dry with me. He lowkey had a hard time looking me in the eyes.

He had also met a girl on a game that coincidentally lived in our city around the same time he became distant. He preferred playing with her more than me (even though I was a more advantageous person to play with since I had more experience). He talked about her very little compared to his other friends. He said he was calling his friends when he said that we couldn’t call, but I was on is friend’s close friends story and he wasn’t there.

About a week or two after we broke up, he went to her house and met her family. My friends who were still on his close friends had shown me how much he wanted a girlfriend. I confronted him and he basically told me to mind my own business (even though he told me that we could still be close friends after the breakup).

We stopped talking, but started again. He had mentioned how he was still working on himself (but I knew that wasn’t entirely true since I knew secretly that he was on a dating app). I let him know that I was willing to wait. He never gave me an answer for that. In another conversation, he said that the same girl he had met on a game had a crush on him during the same time we dated. He mentioned that she got a boyfriend the same time we broke up. I never asked.

They’re now dating (since she broke up with her bf).

Does it seem like I was emotionally cheated on?

1 comment
  1. Yes, he used you like a tool and cast you away when he was done with you. It is a terrible thing to do and no one deserves something so terrible. Please don’t ponder about the ifs and could have beens. Never look back now that he is out of your life. Cut him off and focus on things that are of interest to you.

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