I’m getting married to my American fiancé imand in order to give notice, she needs proof of where she’s staying in the UK for at least 7 days. She will be staying with me but I’m renting and would need a letter from the homeowner, who seems reluctant to do it, so I’m not sure if there are any other options.

  1. As the leading UK “ask” subreddit, we welcome questions from all users and countries; sometimes people who ask questions might not appreciate or understand the nuance of British life or culture, and as a result some questions can come across in a different way than intended.

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  2. When they say proof of address a letter usually won’t do it. They’re after a utility bill, mortgage statement etc

  3. So, options are
    1) a letter from the landlord stating they live there since X date
    2) adding the fiance to the council tax (which will generate a new bill)
    3) create a new bank account in your name, and then apply for a sole to joint account conversion to add your fiance. Then when you get a statement you have proof

  4. I would push your landlord to write the letter. Stress that it won’t impact anything and they just need to state “I, the homeowner, do confirm that (XX) arrived on (XX) and will remain until (XX)” and that’s all. And you also need the correct Marriage VISA which I’m sure you have.

  5. She doesn’t need to give proof of address to quit her job, or am I reading it wrong? American laws say she can just quit, “cya I’m off, starting now” is sufficient.

  6. ask on the UK Yankee forums where there are many more Americans who will have experienced this themselves

  7. If you can get both your names on a council tax bill, it’s insanely useful during the visa process. Also, put both your names on any utility bills and have them sent paper for the next few years. Letters sent from the NHS are usually accepted too, but the NHS is pretty loath to send hardcopy anything these days.

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