How do you explain the importance of male on male relationships to your lady?

  1. Women don’t realize how much of a red flag a lack of male friendships is in a straight guy. Every guy I know who doesn’t have any male friends, is a stage 5 clinger with a heavy control streak.

  2. If women can’t understand how men show affection towards one another how can they understand the importance of it? I’m not saying they’re evil for not understanding but I don’t think they can unless they’ve been through it themselves.

  3. Well my SO went away for 3 week vaca with another dude in the 1st year we dated….. should that have been a red flag? s/

  4. I feel like, if you have to explain why you need friends, she’s not going to understand or care anyway.

  5. if she needs it explained, that’s a prob right there. people need companionship. guys need intimate friendships. there’s a big lack of it these days.

    dudes need to drop their defenses and be more emotionally open and physically affectionate. show nonbelievers where it’s really at. change the world by doing our little part for good! 🙂

  6. They were there before you and will be there long after. 25 years of friendship with your 4 bros isn’t something that needs to be explained.

  7. Explain that you need somebody to complain about her with, and ask if she wants to be that person.

  8. It’s tough man, she gets all insecure when my friends and I blow each other like chill it’s just bro time.

  9. You shouldn’t have to explain it to her. Does she not have any friends? Friendships are important for anyone to have

  10. The guys give me something to say when you say “how was your day?”

    I told a girl once “I am who I am because of my friends”, which luckily she was mature enough to interpret positively.

  11. My buddies were there for me when I was about to blow my Brain’s out. So the least I could do is spend time with them to show them I’m grateful.

    Or something like that

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