I have been in relationships in the past and been heartbroken multiple times and got cheated on too. It’s difficult for me to trust anyone in life because of this.

2 years ago I was in relationship with a guy who was sweet and I had my a great time being with him. We were together for over a year but post that he didn’t want to commit to a longterm thing and we broke-up. It was mutual and we have been in touch as friends since then.

Because of my trust issues, I couldn’t get into a relationship or date anyone since then. Earlier this year, I tried to date a friend who was into me since I broke up with my ex. But within 3 months into dating him, he slept with other women. I was broken and lost trust in dating or being with anyone.

Meanwhile, my typical asian parents are forcing me to get married. With the issues I have, I can’t share my life with someone who I will know for a few weeks or months.

A few months ago, I met a guy(M29) at work. We work together and he is a nice person. We have been talking since then and I feel comfortable with him to talk and share a few things about myself and my life. He confessed that he liked me and would want to date. I said I liked him too but I’m afraid to get close to him and date him because of everything that happened in the past.

Also, my ex who I dated 2 years ago, came back to me asking if we can get married. He asked me same multiple times in the past 2 years but I couldn’t give him any response. But because of the pressure at home for getting married and my trust issues, I thought it’s better to say yes to him instead of getting married to someone else who I don’t know much about.

But I don’t want to give up on the guy I met. He is someone who I have been comfortable with. He is very similar to me, who understands my issues. He knows about my past but still want to give this a try. We tried to end this but neither of us could give up on each other.

We haven’t been speaking for a few days because I’m unable to tell him if I will date him or get back with my ex. I’m confused and unable to makeup my mind.

I know I’m messed up. Please help.


tl;dr: I’m(F27) confused about 2 guys in my life. My ex who I dated few years ago and a new guy who I recently met. I have trust issues and can’t decide who I should date.

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