So this is over due by about a few months, but thought I’d ask in case I ever come across this situation again.

Me and my bf at the time were in a very healthy relationship, not sex everyday kind of a thing, but we would often give each other oral, roleplay, or cuddle. So I was reading up on some fantasies I’ve found online and read a particular one that really turned me on, but was such a weird thing to do. I really wanted to try it with him, I even asked if we could try it without saying it (I know, bad communication) and he did try to understand me, but in the end, we just ended up watching tv the rest of the night. I know I should just say it straight forward, but he’s the kind of guy that can get upset and disgusted fast, he hasn’t with me thankfully.

I know that I said this is in the past, but we are still very close and have considered getting back together.

  1. Not sure what freaky “it” you want to do but I’m sure if it’s you + sex, it can’t be bad. You could be subtle and write a note with just the mention of the thing to try. Or make it like a coupon – redeemable whenever.

  2. I think you may have to be more straightforward with what you’re asking. But preface by letting him know you’re not trying to freak him out. You just read about it and it made you curious. He’s the best person to help you explore your sexual curiosities.

  3. I am so curious what it could be haha but I respect if you don’t want to share!

    Do you feel like you have a good level of trust in this person? I would say go for it…ooorrr…be kind of sneaky about it? If this is a common thing in porn/on the internet maybe mention it as if you saw it and see how he reacts. I realize this is exactly the “Just kidding haha…unless?” meme but you sound really uncertain but also tempted!

    Just remember confidence is something that you can build with practice and sometimes you have to put yourself out there! Good luck!

  4. Are you from a place where sex isn’t that openly talked about? I’m just curious because it seems like you’re most likely talking about anal, which is pretty mainstream in porn now a days.

    I don’t know your bf of course, but odds are he watches porn, and he’s probably seen what you’re talking about so I don’t think you have as much to worry about as you think you do.

    As with anything, communicating is your best tool, prefsfde by telling him you have something you’ve been thinking about but you’re nervous and want him to take a moment before he responds, let him know it’s sexual, and then just talk it out, if he’s a good partner he’ll at the very least entertain the idea.

  5. What was the fetish? Some fetishes can be a bit too extreme for sharing with partners until you REALLY know eaxhother well. Like years together well. It would be helpful if I had more info so I could more properly advise you here

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