I made eye contact with another guy at the gym. He was working out with a girl, probably his girlfriend.

I didn’t know what to do but I didn’t want to look away first because that’s a sign of weakness and low confidence, so I just looked at him and waited for him to look away, which he did after 2 seconds.

I had a neutral/expressionless face the entire time and didn’t smile, head nod, or give any sort of acknowledgement.

Then, I proceeded to carry on with my workout too.

What should you do in this situation?

  1. You should realise that looking away isn’t a sign of low confidence or weakness and not stare blankly at strangers for no reason. For goodness sake, people make accidental eye contact all the time, it’s not an issue. Look away and carry on with your day.

    Edit. You should also stop thinking that any sort of dating ‘guru’ selling their idiotic ideas about being a 3% man is ripping you off. It’s literally bullshit and they’re just making money of people.

  2. You should just try not to look at strangers in the eyes and mind your own business. Everyone there is minding their own business and don’t want to be bothered.

  3. Looking away is simply an acknowledgment that you didn’t intend to lock eyes with that person. I’m not sure why you would think it is weak or show a lack of confidence. He probably thought maybe he knew you or you were trying to get his attention for some reason. Next time just look away and carry on

  4. Just smile with a reassuring knowing expression. Should they look puzzled, try making your eyes big, then narrow again, alternatively all the while maintaining that knowing smile.

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