It’s been a month since I started seeing her and the past two weeks a lot has changed in my life opportunity wise (career stuff and studying too much). I’m deciding to focus on myself for once and can’t do that while also having to give attention to another. She’s great and this has been great but I can’t lead her on.

How can I end things with minimal emotional damage?

Edit: I never officially asked her out and vice versa. One of those things where you know they like you and you know you’re an “object”

  1. I would be upfront and honest with her and pretty much tell her exactly what you wrote here. You’re doing it for a respectable reason and to be honest, she’ll probably get hurt either way you choose to do it.

    I think being upfront and honest is the more honourable way to go and there is nothing stopping you from being friends.

  2. How about: You’re fantastic and this has been great, but between new goings-on in my career and studies, I’ve realized I can’t be the sort of person that I want to be, in a relationship, right now. It’s not fair to ask you to continue to invest in me.


  3. Tell you the you’ve enjoyed her company but right now you have a lot of things going on and want to focus on your studies/work. Wish her the best out there.

  4. You ask yourself if you were in her spot, what would you want to hear. There is no clean cut way to reject someone, but you can be polite.

  5. Well if you’re kinda dating her then it’s not that serious and just tell her your feelings for her changed!

  6. I’ve been on the recieiving end of this

    Whatever you do, whether it’s phone call or to her face, just say it right away. Do not take her out on a date and act normal just to drop it at the end.

  7. She will respect you way more if you tell her rather than going ghost that’s for sure. Try not to burn bridges by just being honest.

    If you still burn a bridge at least you were real.

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