as much as I hate to say this since I’m not someone who likes to relive high school years.. I miss my social life in high school. I wasn’t “popular” in high school but I had a lot of friends and shit to do all the time. many of those friendships were built around partying, substances, etc. now I’m 21, I go out to bars and clubs sometimes but my social battery is drained for like a week after. as a teen I was toxic to be around.. I would steal, lie, fight, do any drug I could get, smoke weed 24/7, etc.

I was bullied my whole childhood until I was 14 and had a rough home life. there weren’t many rules or consequences besides getting yelled at or hit. basically for the past 2 years I have reflected a lot and have been working hard to be a better person, but I struggle a lot to make friends no longer being the crazy rebellious person I once was.

my college experience has been weird with going to a CC and covid interrupting it, but I struggle to make new friendships now being at a university. I get anxious and overthink social interactions, even if someone clearly likes me I’ll convince myself they don’t and not really follow up. also in jobs I’ve had difficulties, when I was a teen I had friends at work but my last few jobs several coworkers disliked me and thought I was rude.. I’m a little reserved but still was nice to everyone.

I think my social difficulties comes down to me being too reserved nowadays and even when I try to be outgoing my friends still say I seem closed off. I want be more social and create those healthy connections different than the ones I sought out in my teen years. advice is appreciated:)

  1. Tbh I’m curious to hear what’s happening that your friends are saying you still seem closed off. Either they’re misreading you, or you actually are doing something (or rather could change something you’re doing slightly, and not have to deal with this problem as bad anymore).

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