

I am curious how a big height difference can affect sex life or dating in general. Any advice.

I am 183cm or 6″ tall and she is 150cm so I think that’s about 4.9″

I am not the most experienced guy out there but I do have some experience. We haven’t gotten intimate yet due to distance etc.

Any idea what the benefits or problem of such height difference might be? Not only during but also while generally dating

Psychologically I really don”t care about it at all but I think she might feel a bit awkward

  1. There are sooooo many women that has this issue. When I was dating they always seemed like they wanted someone taller. I like short women and I am around 5’10” so 4’9″ would be great but sure wasn’t high on my disqualification list. But many women that I met online that was one of the first questions and of course I didn’t make that height. I didn’t mind too much because it ruled out so quick from what they really wanted but was discouraging many times because they didn’t even offer a chance. I remarried and she is the same height as me depending on the shoes. Height wasnt on either of our list of mandatory items.

  2. Your just about a head taller than she is. Not a big mismatch. I’m your height and have had sex with women a lot shorter the she is. No problems with it at all. She is, to me, the perfect height for having fun with.

  3. I’m 5’4 with a 6’8 guy. It’s not awkward at all, it’s great. Traditional missionary doesn’t quite work for us though so we do other things.

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