i feel so alone, in 7th grade i had friends, people actually talked to me, i felt like i actually was having fun, now i am in 9th grade after covid and i feel like i just cant make friends i overthink a lot and just cant bring myself to talk to people anymore, i want my life to be back the way it was šŸ™ can somebody help me with this.

1 comment
  1. Eh idk how much help I can be but some pep motivation videos or books to build your self image, affirmations, practice talking to people in the mirror , compliments are a great conversation starter. People automatically like people who build their self image. Find people with similar interests so you have something to talk about , join a club or a sport. Work out – itā€™ll get your self image up and increase energy and better sleep. Practice smiling at people – worst that can happen is they donā€™t smile back or give you a look but in those cases they are the weirdos and also gotta give them grace cause they might not expect it and be slow to react. Put on an outfit you feel good in – increasing self image/confidence. If youā€™re a girl try some makeup , nothing crazy just natural again self image . Look for another quiet person -theyd probably be stoked to be acknowledged by someone too and challenge any self defeating thoughts you have of yourself. ā€œIā€™m so awkwardā€ , where did that thought come from? Whatā€™s the proof of that ? What could you say to yourself to replace that so that you get the outcome you want even if it ā€œIā€™m so awkward but fuck it I love myself and Iā€™ll find people whoā€™ll love me for my awkwardness tooā€ or ā€œIā€™m so smooth and suaveā€ lol idk some thought thatā€™ll help you feel better instead of worse. Your thoughts are your reality. Mmm and yea thatā€™s all that I can think of atm

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