I was doing my laundry when a guy and a girl come in and start taking their clothes. I had left my phone near the window before they can in. I was about to leave so I had to walk behind him to get my phone. I said excuse me while I went to grab my phone but my voice came out really quiet so he didn’t hear me. He turned around and was just like “oh I’m sorry”.

It was kinda awkward and I think I might of came off as rude. And my phone was way closer to him than I thought. I was in a rush so I didn’t have time to really do or say anything else I just left.

  1. Its just about asserting yourself more. Don’t worry about coming off as rude, your bad qualities are usually very exaggerated in your head. Unless you want to be rude, chances are, you probably aren’t rude.

    Just be louder next time, if you think you’re coming off as too aggressive, smile or make a joke, or some small comment, like haha yup that’s mine and then smile.

  2. I don’t struggle with a quiet voice but I spent some time learning how to relax my vocal chords and not hold tension in them in a chi gong class. As a result my voice was deeper and sounds better in tone. I’m a male and getting into the hypnotherapy profession so it was useful. Perhaps that could help you. Do you feel you hold tension in your vocal chords? There’s also a technique singers use called singing into the mask or something like that. It might be worth a look into to help you project yourself more.

  3. i get told all the time to raise my voice a little so they can hear me. tomorrow i have an english exam which includes speaking, and my teacher told me that he’s worried they may not understand me unless i make an effort to speak louder & vocalize more lol

  4. Yes and my family are all naturally really loud.

    When I speak they shout, “WHAT!?”

    It gets tiresome knowing when you speak someone is going to shout at you.

  5. I’ve learnt to work on my tone and pitch rather than my volume. I don’t think I will be naturally loud (unless drunk). But my working on making myself sound more assertive and engaging through working on my tone and pitch, I can draw people in when I speak at work or in social situations.

    It doesn’t work with my family, though, I’m starting to think they are just rude.

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