Just feel the need to get this out here.

If he doesn’t want to introduce you to his friends, or doesn’t show any interest in doing so.. RUN

Giant red flag. The guy just wants to hook up.

  1. But I’ve also been told that it doesn’t necessarily mean anything if he *does* bring you around his friends, or tells them about you??

  2. I’ve had a 3 years long (good) relationship with a guy whose best friend I’ve never ever met. He told me he wanted us to meet but their friendship consisted exclusively of the two of them meeting up at his place and playing games and talking politics. I guess it wasn’t that important (for me either) cause they never found a way to incorporate a third person in the meeting which looks the same since 6 years or so. It’s over now but it showed me that meeting friends isn’t such a big deal. I too didn’t really want him to meet one particular friend of mine cause it wouldn’t work well so what’s the point

  3. Just ask them to accompany you on an errand like grocery shopping. If you’re just a side chick/hook up, you’ll have your answer soon.

    It’s not as black & white as you’re making it out to be, and it’s not always a red flag. For me, introducing a girl to my friends is the highest proof of my trust. That’s me telling them “I would & most likely will propose to her.”

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