Guy (M27) only dated/ have been in relationship with blonde European looking girls (preference) before me (F29, middle eastern girl.) and was unsure if his preference would be in the way in the future after committing to me so he met up with a girl for coffee (date) who fits his preference to figure out if it’s what he wants more and realized that I’m what he wants.

Male Thoughts on that and any similar experiences or anyone can relate to that?

  1. What the fuck?

    >Male Thoughts on that and any similar experiences or anyone can relate to that?

    Uh, relate to this, right here?

    >was unsure if his preference would be in the way in the future after committing to me so he met up with a girl for coffee (date) who fits his preference to figure out if it’s what he wants more and realized that I’m what he wants.

    No. No, I can’t say I relate to that at all. What the absolute fuck?

    *”Hey babe, can you hold on a sec? Yeah, just wait right here. Gonna go take Blondie for a spin around the block real quick, see if I can stomach the thought of waking up next to your brunette ass for the next little while. Deuces!”*


    Girl, you can do better. You used the right word, when you said *”that I’m* ***what*** *he wants.”*

    ***WHO*** you are clearly doesn’t mean as much as it should. Dump the loser.

  2. I went to a predominantly white high school and liked white girls. If you asked me my type at the time, it would’ve been white girls. Then I went to a liberal and diverse college and developed an obsession with latina girls that still exists to this day. I also got a major crush on a lighter-skinned Indian girl that was fit and smart and is now working a very fancy job in Silicon Valley. Absolute goddess. If you asked me my type at the time, I would’ve said latina-looking girls. Then, despite all that, I ended up meeting a white, Eastern-European ballroom dancer with short, curly, dark hair and an incredible toned body. We broke up after college and I dated a tall blonde girl for a bit. Then I ended up meeting a heavily tattooed, white, petite girl with straight, short, dark hair and intense dark blue eyes that match her tattoos and beautifully contrast her pale fair skin.

    I think people have tendencies, not types, and they can definitely change. A new environment or very attractive girl can come around and give you a new tendency. Just because someone has tended to date some flavor of people in the past doesn’t mean they won’t like other flavors.

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