How hard is it for a man to live in today’s society?

  1. Depends on too many things. It’s much easier for me to live than it is for a few thousand other guys in my city. And that’s just in my country.

  2. As hard or as easy as it’s ever been. Societies have rules and norms that change according to the times.

    Live outside those rules and norms and be prepared to suffer the consequences.

  3. It’s just you have to learn when to speak your peace and probably just be quiet more often. Like now

  4. To live as in survive day to day. Its ok. To get anywhere in life? It a hard daily grind. As men today I feel demonised by media, i see people cross the street at night, very few people would be willing to help me if I needed it. Its hard to make friends but I’ve managed to get a good group. I have no chance to be able to buy my own home and so I see no way to have and raise children due to the financial burden so i enjoy my life without.

    Life is hard but we get by.

  5. Overall, one a scale from 1 to 10, it’s a 1, and that’s on his *worst* day.

  6. I don’t find it very difficult, true I’m in the Army and that simplifies some things but I’m a regular miser when it comes to money, I live like a virtual recluse so there is no drama, and I don’t have friends or love interests so you could say I have it easy.

    But…it’s pretty subjective and varies from one man to another.

  7. Not hard at all, when there’s concerts to go to and Disc Golf to play.

    On a serious note, lives all about having fun so find out would you like to do and pursue it.

  8. Hard for sure, being a man today is like having a legal target on your back all the time, one slip up and suddenly youre the biggest piece of shit in the universe, for example-


    we get longer prison sentences than women for the same crimes

    the courts generally side with women right off the bat when it comes to divorce cases even if the father is a more suitable parent

    fathers almost always have to pay child support and sometimes alimony, which basically means the mother gets payed to do nothing but sit there and collect checks while the fathers have to break their backs to support the mother and the kids who he doesnt even get to see often

    marriage does not benefit men at all, if anything marriage just gives women an incentive to hit the eject button when suddenly they dont like being married anymore, then they get to take half of everything he has and gets payed in child support and alimony afterwards, marriage only makes men financially vulnerable while women typically reap all the benefits

    women can falsely accuse men of sexual assault/rape even with little to no evidence and men will likely be charged and locked up for a crime that was never committed

    random people will likely jump you if you ever hit a woman even if its in self defense, but if she beats the hell out of you nobody will do anything to stop her and if you try to defend yourself guess what?… you get jumped

    people are hardwired to have more sympathy for women than men because women are typically seen as weaker and more fragile, thats why when a woman cries everybody comforts her but when a man cries people typically avoid him


    of course women have their own unique set of problems to face as women, but i would say confidently being a man is hard

  9. Very hard.

    Not because of the “man” part but because of the “living in today’s society” part

  10. As a 21 year old young man I still live at home with parents, have all my food and shelter needs met currently, get to go to college, and don’t have to worry about going to war like in third world countries. I should be happy and kicking ass in life right now, yet I’m miserable. I’ve yet to find a true purpose in life, have one close friend (though I feel we’re starting to drift apart), and no girlfriend. I’m trying to improve some things but as a young man right now it just doesn’t feel like things are going to get better. I fear working hard for decades to get no rewards and to live a meaningless life. That’s why it feels hard right now for a man, especially a young man, in today’s society.

  11. Where I’m from, a man not born rich, hardship is guaranteed. Having said that, being born rich doesn’t guarantee no hardship

  12. It’s not hard at all, most of us have a blind spot for our own privilege.

    Cases in point:
    – repeatedly noticed how women have to work twice as hard to get promoted at most jobs, while men just have to show up.
    – if you show bate minimum effort to take care of yourself and your home you are automatically relationship material.

    What is hard:
    – building a sustainable social support network and lasting friendships. Men tend to be more lonelier and feel like no one cares about them, but in *some* cases they just did not put any effort in their non-romantic relationships.

  13. It really depends on a lot. Where do you live? How was your upbringing? Are you wealthy? Are you healthy? And ofcourde a lot more.

    In some ways it is easier to be a man than to be a woman, in some ways it is harder to be a man than to be a woman.

    I think overall man are marginalized less than woman, but this still doesn’t mean man can’t have a hard time. In some ways men are also marginalized which tends to be forgotten because it happens (generally) more to woman.

  14. If he is motivated and has strong values to support himself, then not very difficult. A good support system helps too.

    Men are very lazy nowadays and blame their problems on things they cannot control, so shift your energy towards things you can control and life will become much much easier.

  15. That comes down to the goal. Just to name two:

    If you are satisfied with doing your thing, keeping a low profile and not being apprecisted for your contributions because you enjoy being alone – boy, is modern society for you.

    If you want be a successful, somewhat popular figure with authority and responsiblity, respected for your efforts – the bar has moved pretty high these days.

  16. It’s really hard actually.

    Women constantly look at lavish lifestyles on Instagram and believe they should have that too.

    80% of all women go for the top 10% of men.

    If you’re not smart, tall, strong, emotionally stable, reliable, good career, good looking and rich – you’ll never get a beautiful girlfriend.

    Plus men suffer mental pain and no-one cares about it.

    You give everything and work so hard, get little appreciation in return, in fact most women just take all they can from you.

    Not easy being a man.

  17. Dating? Yes it’s pretty hard. Living? Well before men were expected to just sign up to the military and die by the millions. I’d say it’s not so bad.

  18. Not that tough but we get a lot of shit for things we aren’t even responsible for. Not to mention nobody cares about our mental health let alone care in general.

  19. Depends on a country and a culture. I think american men are in better position than russian men.

  20. Relatively speaking: Pretty hard.

    There is a book (I believe it’s called Self-Made man, or it could be another one) where a women passes as a man for a while and the entire thing made her lose her mental stability and realize men are suffering.

  21. I think it’s incredibly difficult. Being a married man I have a huge spotlight on me to be the man I’m expected to be. I’m expected to provide to know my wife’s needs to “live” up to her parents expectations of me. I feel constant pressure to balance work and life at home. I’m constantly being looked at for work decisions and not being home when Someone needs me because I had a job to do. Yet I do this job to provide for them. And employers nowadays have no work life balance. It’s a lot of pressure and the moment I screw up and drop the ball I hear it from everyone involved. I feel like my wife gets a lot of understanding of which I am not afforded. I feel like she has a book of excuses at her finger tips that work for every situation that does not go her way weather she had control of it or not and I am not afforded this. I have to second guess every decision I make because if it backfires I know it’s my fault. I have to understand that if she leaves me I will lose everything I have to constantly keep her happy in hopes that I will not lose my children in a court hearing

  22. Well, you need to be masculine but not too masculine or the people who are happy to question your manhood will accuse you of toxic masculinity. If you have any questions or concerns, please check your privilege and stay quiet.

    Good luck.

  23. I dont think its THAT difficult. A lot of issues people have are the result of themselves. What I will say is it can be tough to live in the mundane rotation of life that has little time for hobbies and passions. If you have kids youre FUCKED because basically you work, come home spend time with the kids and your partner and you will have basically 0 left over time. Also I think there is a little truth in that women are born with value men have to create it. Most men cant believe a woman even wanted to be with them whereas most women have experienced 10s if not 100s of men who tried to sleep with them. If your not a guy who has a big interest in hobbies and can show a lot of passion or self growth its much harder for you to find happiness in life than it is a woman.

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