Around 2 months ago I met a 15y girl because she was with her older female friend that was a good friend of my friend and the friend asked to meet my friend again bcs it has been a long time.

We were 3 days at the coast to visit a theme park everyday and they were always there but for some reason she was always trying to initiate physical contact with me since day 1. It started with tickling and then saying “whoops sorry” to then constantly putting her head on my shoulder, putting her arm around my neck, constantly tickling, when walking she sometimes pushed.

But the thing is i am 20yrs so i felt a bit awkward so at the end of day 2 I send her a message asking if she was trying to flirt or something bcs i suspected that she maybe had a crush. She said i am always tired so i like to lay on people shoulders and stuff but she never said an actually “no” so i thought maybe she was trying to not confess it and look for an excuse.

So to be sure I asked her best friend as well I hoped maybe to get a better answer there but she said her friend had no crush. So I was like okay nice because else it would be even more awkward. I know this approach isn’t the smartest as girls normally don’t confess but I hoped they wouldn’t lie bcs it was kinda a weird situation. The last day when i went back home she was trying to give a hug but i was trying to skip it by doing a handshake but then she said no i want a hug so that lowkey still got me confusing again what her intentions were as she hugged for a long amount of time.

Then when being back home she still talked to me on snapchat for like 2 weeks but only during evenings/late night so I was like yeah I am pretty sure she is just bored so I was almost 100% sure about the no feelings thing.

After the 2 weeks she asked to go call often like sometimes 4 days in a week but always in the late evening/night so I still thought she was just bored but then she like sometimes said weird stuff. For example: my friend has a youtube channel and vlogs for fun and he uploaded a vlog with special guest in the title. And she was like saying i was watching to see you but you only appeared in the first minute so i stopped watching. Or like remembering every small detail i ever said lol. And it got bit awkward bcs it felt like she was obsessed lol….

But then I still thought like she is just joking or something as if you are obsessed you would message someone 24/7 and not only during the nights. As i know she is always on her phone.

I visits theme parks often so around 1 month after first seeing her I went again and she randomly came there too 2 hours before park closing hour with a female friend after school but I was trying to ignore her as I thought she would do the flirty physical contact again…. But after ignoring some messages she called so I kinda felt bad for her so I just picked up and she said like “i want to see you” and i was trying to find excuse so i said like “idk if it will happen park closes in 1 hour and i am still in the queue” and then she said like “please make sure we will see each other today” so to not make her feel sad i said okay. But this time i had in mind to keep rejecting the flirty physical contact even if she tries it over and over again. When I saw her i didnt gave hug but she instantly asked to walk with our arms crossed i said no then she still tried other things like holding holding my tshirt with 2 fingers while queueing idk why never saw anyone doing that but okay. Then when she had to go i said goodbye while sitting next to her on the bench and she instantly tried to come close again with her head on my shoulder but again i just rejected and moved her away.

After that she stopped sending texts/asking for calls during the evening so then I got confused again if she actually had feelings but I thought like its school again so she prob talks with other friends which is fine.

Then almost 2 weeks have past with almost no contact and then 1 week ago she suddenly starts reacting on almost every private story I put and like things you couldn’t even react too were she like just said haha and stuff too.

So i was confused again like why does she want contact again but she only did it for 1 week and then she suddenly stopped. As if she was trying to get something out of me?

Also lot of events happened were like after she posted like quotes on her private story. For example recent weeks she posted a lot of things that had to due with being ditched but I hoped it was coincidence and targeted to someone else.

So my question here is do you think she had/has actual feelings? Or she is just and extroverted person?

I just want to know different peoples opinion as I want to make sure I did not hurt her or something as I am an overthinker and I try to not hurt anyone so I hope to get other people perspective.

Thanks in advance as its really a weird situation and I really cant read her I know its maybe weird to ask but maybe someone experienced something similar?

Also sorry my English is not the best.

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  2. i would just cut contact all together man. she’s underage and its clear she has interest in you.

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