Im on a throwaway account. So im a 21 year old male who is a virgin. Ive been on a few dates with a couple girls and also have texted with some on apps, and when the conversations turns sexual I always tell them that ive never had sex and they always say sorry im not into virgin (im assuming because of the inexperience and the fact i probably would be very good). But on my main account ive asked on multiple subs if being a 21 year old virgin is to old and people always say no and it takes time to get experience. So my question is how to I get experience if no one will have sex with me in the first place?

  1. Dates don’t lead to sex if you are just looking for sex. If you are just looking for sex say that up front.

  2. Well, two things can be true: it’s objectively not a big deal that you’re a virgin at twenty-one, and some people find that to be, perhaps, not the vibe they are looking for (casual sex, for example; it’s not as casual if it’s someone’s first time).

  3. Just don’t say your a virgin then lol most women don’t want to have to teach someone the ropes they want someone who will teach them something. It sucks for dudes who are virgins but definitely avoid the virgin topic.

  4. This is certainly an awkward scenario. You’ve got a couple of options, and I’d recommend running them in parallel. There are actually women out there who enjoy showing a virgin the ropes, so to speak. Create a profile stating that you’re a virgin and looking for someone to help you learn and practice. This is a relatively low probability of working out, but it might.

    Additionally, just continue as you are. Meet women, get to know them. When you know each other well enough that the topic comes up, be honest about your lack of experience. Someone who appreciates you for more than just the sex will be happy to help you figure things out.

    All that said, most younger women are unlikely to be interested in working with a virgin, so you’re more likely to get lucky with someone who’s a bit older.

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