I hate when those posts are super long so in a nutshell :

ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP : Been “dating” a guy from my hometown since september, nothing really serious even though he mentionned several times that he was super attached to me, that he didn’t want to see any other girl besides me, that it’s way more than just sex. We see each other each holiday when I come home.

ABOUT THE PROBLEM : I need attention and affection, it’s something that I stated at the very beginning of the flirt. I don’t receive enough from him and this simply makes me go crazy. I mean, he didn’t call me for two weeks and I got very upset, we had a argument and I blocked him for three weeks (and said I didn’t want to hear from him anymore).
N.B : it’s not the first fight, yet this one is the most “violent” one.

THE SITUATION ATM : He texted me because he knew a had a problem and offered to help me solve it, which was really nice of him. We had a call on that evening and chatted about a lot of other stuff as well. I felt like he was not angry about our previous fight. Yet last night we were both at an event, acted a bit distant, which was confusing. I texted him on my way home, suggesting him to see each other to talk about the problems we’ve had. He kindof refused by saying “I think everything has already been said” and that we would “see each other at events like concerts and stuff but nothing more”.

MY QUESTION : Is there a chance for me to get him back ?

I know I acted badly, lack of attention and affection from a man is really something that turns me into a crazy girl, it’s a fact. But I really want to speak to him and discuss about this problem and see what solutions we can find.

I remain available for more details if needed.

  1. Hopefully he is over it and just moves on… leave him alone at the events. If you even make it too them… roads are dangerous now days

  2. I don’t think so. With the next guys, talk about it right away or cool off for a day or two instead of blocking him for three weeks. He probably believes you cannot be trusted and feels disrespected and we do not know if you even apologized to him.

  3. >Is there a chance for me to get him back ?

    No, he seems to have moved on. It’ll be better for you to move on as well.

  4. Why settle for someone who isnt going to give you the attention and affection you feel you need? especially if you’ve voice it & he isnt willing to change

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