Last week I had a one night stand with a girl I met at the club (37 yo mom) and we used protection but it really wasn’t working well (whiskey dick). So I took it off with her consent and finished and left. I will get tested but it’s kind of worrying me…

  1. An STI is a possibility with any sexual act involving genital/oral contact (condoms don’t protect against everything). You had unprotected PIV, which does carry the risk of all STIs.

    Get tested in a couple weeks (don’t want to test too early and get a false negative).

  2. Nobody can give you an answer to this that will soothe your mind – it’s a gamble and you rolled the dice. I’ve been in the same situation before. All you can do is get tested and wait on the results. It’s a nervous wait but you’ll remember it next time you don’t want to wear a condom.

    I don’t mean to sound flippant this is just one of those “it is what is” situations. Schedule the test and see how you go. I wish you the best of luck. It’s a common occurrence, make sure you’re honest with the doc.

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