It doesn’t make sense to me how men liked their balls being touched ect. Does it actually feel good???

  1. This might be embarrassing and a little tmi. I don’t but because I’m extremely ticklish everywhere even my balls so if my wife tried to flirt with me by touching me instead of getting in the mood I giggle like a fucking idiot

  2. Yes indeed, surprisingly I find the scrotum stimulating in it’s own way. I imagine the scrotum being similar or related to women’s outer labia , especially with the skin color variations.
    The balls don’t like rough handling but the sack can be pulled, pinched, grabbed perhaps.

  3. It’s how you caress them. You have to be gentle and not tickle. But alot of men love it

  4. My balls are very sensitive but I do enjoy gentle sucking and having them played with specially during blowjobs

  5. In my experience as a woman most do or at least don’t dislike it but some really do. It’s definitely a discussion to have

  6. I don’t get anything from it. If a girl never touched my balls in my entire life I’d be just fine.

  7. Not all definitely. Like some focus on balls but seriously everyone need to understand balls are too sensitive organ to be actually outside the body. So again little tmi, but soft fondling, gentle massages are good for few seconds. But sensually it doesn’t do much for me beside the fact that someone is down on me. So maybe little mental satisfaction but the shaft is where all the physical pleasure comes from.

  8. Most men I’ve ever been with, YES- just takes some time to get used to.. uh.. handling them? Since I don’t have any lol.

  9. I hate when my balls are touched by anyone other than myself. Mine are way too sensitive and I get anxious.

  10. I enjoy it. Especially if you worship them. It’s just so good for the ego. Lol.

  11. No hate it, no feelings at all even though I’m clean shaven I still hate it, but play with my ass as I’m in heaven.

  12. Why would that be surprising? Everything from ass to dick is very sensitive which usually translates to pleasurable to touch in the right intimate situation.

  13. sometimes i don’t because it’s tickling me but sometimes i do enjoy it so much i would almost cum … same with licking my nipples

  14. Sometimes it’s really comfortable for me. Other times my balls just are way too sensitive and it tickles instead of actually feeling good and then my SO decides to use that to her advantage and start a tickling match. 🤣

  15. I don’t have them so I can’t tell you how it feels but my boyfriend loves it 🤷🏼‍♀️

  16. Some do, some don’t. It really depends. Also this is a sensitive spot so some guys are really ticklish there

  17. For those that do, good for them. I’m not one of them it’s an instant mood killer for me.

  18. I like mine fondled and caressed, probably similar to the way you like your breasts to be touched. But squeezing the actual testicle hard, well, you know how guys double over in pain when kicked in the groin. . . Touching them the way you like to be touched will go a long way towards intimate foreplay!

  19. I absolutely love having my balls touched. I don’t like them to be punished that’s no good. I do like them coddled and sucked

  20. Why wouldn’t it make sense? There are nerve endings sensitive to touch. But as with most things it depends on the individual.

  21. My experience has been that guys either really like you playing with their balls, or it’s a hard nope because it feels too intense or tickly. They’re very sensitive so it can feel good for some, from what I’ve learned over the years. 😀

  22. I personally don’t like it. My balls are very sensitive and tender. Anytime a girl wanted to play with my balls they were always way too rough. I appreciate the jester but just focus on my cock and I’m good.

  23. I don’t like it at all. Girls in porn are sucking guy’s balls and shit, I don’t want none of that. Women have tried before thinking it might feel good, but my reaction is always just a tight sphincter as I pray that they aren’t mishandled.

  24. I generally dont. I feel ticklish and too vulnerable. My last partner would always “probe” at them. I instantly pushed her away. If shed have had a more graceful touch, I may not have minded. Not her fault though. She doesnt have balls

  25. It feels good, but it can be too much. It’s also a bit scary, as they are the most vulnerable part of you. It took me a long time to be comfortable with getting my balls licked. Getting them sucked on is a strict no-no for me even to this day.

  26. Do you like having your labia majora (outer lips) touched? The scrotum is basically the same tissue, just that if you have a y chromosome then your proto-gonads descended from ypur abdomen and your proto-labia stretched out around them to become a scrotum. Almost all the parts of our genitals are analogous across male and female, since they come from the same tissues before sex differentiation happens to the fetus.

    The testicles themselves are the part that is infamously sensitive to pain, so if you are going to play with a guy’s balls you have to be gentle with the actual “balls” that are inside the “sac”. So no squeezing, crushing, yanking, etc… (unless he’s in to masochism and cock ‘n ball torture), I’d also be cautious about pushing the testicle too far from its natural “hanging place” or twisting it. However rubbing, tickling, holding, very lightly pulling can feel very pleasant to a lot of men. (Disclaimer: every man is an individual Your Mileage May Vary)

  27. When I go down on my bf and I touch his balls at the same time, like, cupping them and squeezing very lightly, he cums super fast and says he likes it :))

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