I live on my own and I still feel like I teenager and I still on instinct look at the age limit on things like alcohol and games and movies without realising that I don’t need to. 😐

  1. You never stop. I’m 26 and still feel 16.

    My grandma was 90 and still said she felt like an 18 year old.

  2. I think that now that I’m 44, I feel like I’m at *least* 22.

    And I look in the mirror and I’m like *what the living fuck*

  3. Depends on each person

    I never really experienced the whole wild teenager life until I got to college and met my ex gf

    After she broke up with me I went on being a normal adult until I met my how husband, a man who .amen me feel like a kid when I need to. He loves to goof around with me, starting nerf gun fights while I’m cooking, fucking around in the toy aisle of Walmart, etc

  4. 17. People regularly confused me for being in my mid twenties around that time due to my apathy and how I carried myself. It was unpleasant.

  5. 25ish for me. It was my mid twenties when I started to not feel like kind of a kid anymore.

  6. On things like alcohol 18, because is the minimum age in my country…but I forced myself to “grow up” in when I had 14~15.

  7. The first time I had a real “oh damn, I’m a real adult now” moment was at 20 years old, when I briefly owned 2 vehicles at the same time.

    The weird part is that I had been in the Marines for over a year by that point, but boot camp, infantry training, and those first 6-8 months just felt like the worst summer camp ever, and I was always secretly kind of expecting it to end and I would have to go home to start 13th grade of High School.

    Even now at 32, when I own a home and travel the country and do things my teenage self could never imagine, I still am weirded out by the fact/idea that I am an adult.

  8. Never. I’m almost 30 and I don’t feel any different than I did when I was like 15.

  9. The day I could buy beer, and not be asked for an ID. I was 19 at the time. Legal age was 21.

  10. I just turned 35 and I still feel like a kid…I don’t think it ever goes away, you just get really good at pretending like you have it all figured out lol

  11. There are no feelings specific to being a teenager. What you’re feeling is existence.Your impulsiveness will die down a bit in your mid twenties.

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