***Success Is A Personal Choice****:* Different people have their respective definitions of what success is. While yours may be different from mine, it is dependent on your perception, knowledge, and exposure. No one definition is more correct than another, just that it may be more correct on the perspective it is being taken from.

To some success can be as simple as being sure of getting the next meal. As long they can find food to eat, they see themselves as successful. Others view success as when they have so much money to meet their every need. Her focus is on financial success. So much money that you have no money worries. How much money they make determines how successful they are.

Some people are very spiritual. Their measure of success is based on spiritual attainment. As long as you are spiritually upright, you are successful. This does not necessarily have to be connected to religions only. Some people in this category may not be religious but their measure is based on what is morally correct. Anything short of this is not regarded as suggested.

If you have a good relationship at home with your spouse and children; with family members; with neighbors, and every member of the society, some people will see you as successful. Their measure of success is your relationship with people. These kinds of people are concerned with good neighborliness. A good relationship is equal to success and vice versa.

When you are healthy some people see you are successful. Health is wealth is their slogan. If you are not healthy you are not successful. These people aim at attaining superb health status. This is their sign of being successful. Anything else is not as important.

You will agree with me that in each case, the notion is correct based on their perspective. Everyone in each category have enough points and experience to defend their stand. None of them is wrong as it were but none too is completely correct. So what is the center point?

Success should be holistic. Looking at success from a particular perspective in isolation has its shortcoming in that some other important aspects of life are left to suffer. If, for example, you are more concerned with spiritual success, what happens with your financial life or social life, or your health? Each of these parts of your needs to be taken care of maximally. Taking success from one perspective reduces you to focusing sole on that perspective.


There is a need for balance in every aspect of our lives. If you really want to be truly successful, we must focus on every aspect. No part should be left to suffer because it can affect our future altogether. Efforts must be put to ensure that every part gets complete success at the end of the day.

One this platform, we shall ensure that we get all that is necessary to make progress in every aspect of our lives. Finances; relationship; health; spirituality, morals; emotional; and maybe even politics will get the necessary input to make a better you and us.

Let us be firm and this journey together we shall attain success.


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