1 year old relationship here
I (21 yo male) cant decide if i should break up with 20 yo female

Here’s the pros and cons to her as a gf for me

1) She’s a good person
2) She’s fun
3) She really likes me

1) I think she makes bad decisions frequently
a. She spends a lot of money on clothes
b. She smokes a lot of weed
c. She vapes alot
2) She is lazy
3) She is controlling
4) She is becoming less and less attractive to me
5) i’m not excited to see her anymore

tl;dr – Should i break up with girlfriend if i only like her bc she’s a good person and fun? Should i tell her what’s wrong?

  1. You probably should if you think those “cons” will last for you, otherwise try to work things out if you’d like.

  2. Sounds like your decision is clear dude, you’ve just got to follow through with it.

  3. It seems like you know what is best for you, even if there is some part that wonders if its worth it to stay in the relationship. She’s a good person that you’ve have a good time with, she also deserves to hear why this is no longer a fit for yih. You have some concerns about your relationship dynamics, differing values and life preferences about money and weed, and you’re not feeling excited about the relationship and its future.

    I’m guessing there’s more to the pros and cons list. Only you know if its worth it to be in the relationship. Whether you stay or go, I encourage you to tell her how you feel.

  4. Leave. No reason to stay with someone with that many negatives you can’t get over.

  5. Someone told me this once and it stuck with me so I’m telling it to you- if you’re at the point where you have to make a pros and cons list about your partner you should be done.

  6. I would break up with her if I were you.

    Would you like her to think those things about you AND yet stay with you because she’s indecisive? I know I wouldn’t.

    You’re both young and will get over it.

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