So, I’m currently 20 and I’m struggling.
To give you some context, I wasn’t a kid with many friends, I started to grow and my peak was as a teenager, I became like the popular guy and had a lot of “friends” (I only thought of 5 like real friends). I changed from school, lost contact with my previous circle, even if I searched them to talk and stuff.
I made new friends as an average guy and was happy about it, but, when we finished school the same thing happened.
I made an associates degree and also made friends (but since I was 16-18 and they were over 25 there wasn’t a real connection). When it was finished we lost contact.

I worked some months in a call center and the friends(all of them were under 23) I made started to make jokes about my schedule and intensity work hours change, at first it was funny, but after almost a month of the same jokes it started to hurt and they started to make me apart and ignore me. One day I simply removed myself from there, I didn’t had the mood to handle it anymore.

What I’m trying to say is that every friend I ever had has left…and I’m tired of it, I’m not introvert nor timid, but I’m tired of trying and I started to feel that communication to make friends is not required.

Deep down it burns me, because I love social interactions, to talk, laugh, etc. And I wanna talk, I wanna make friends, I wanna try it, but the previous experiences are holding me back.

What should I do? Please, help me

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you keep your “friends” in s in situational places instead of taking the initiative and making plans. Shared experiences that are fun will have people associate you with fun. Open your world to trying different things, start learning and reading about things that interest you, and maybe look up some tips on how to be better socially. There’s tons of YouTube channels and courses because there’s tons of people not great at communicating. In other words, invest in yourself.

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