I’m 25yo. I have hard time getting hard for round 2. I started having sex year ago with my much more experienced gf. Prior to that I was always shy about sex. She is amazing but She sometimes needs it 2-3 times an demends me to cum every time. I dont know if its because of the amount of cum I shoot or stress but its very hard for me to go for round 2. Sometimes when I calm down with my breathing and think about porn scenarios. How can I fix it and always have energy for round 2 and 3.

  1. You should have to fix it. Not everyone is built like that, and that’s okay. Figure out with her how you can make sure that one round is getting her what she needs and go from there.

  2. Question – how many times a day can you cum through masturbation? Same? Or is this just a problem with having actual sex?

  3. It could be a confidence thing, where your mind is telling you that you can’t go the second round. Or maybe you could try consuming aphrodisiacs and getting some excersize (if needed).
    In the meantime perform long foreplay on your girlfriend, male her come before you get down to penatration.

  4. Any circulatory issues? Diabetes? High blood pressure? All of those can contribute to it being harder (no pun intended) to get and maintain an erection. If so it’s probably fixable by means of the little blue magic pills.

    If not, well, maybe that’s just not how you work, and that’s OK too!

  5. I think some men just have a long refractory period, my partner is the same 💜💜

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