Embracing and being genuine yourself is most powerful social skill you can utilize. Be respectful of other’s and their beliefs and values, and not obnoxious about your’s. – however, don’t hide who you are so other’s will like you more; they likely won’t.

Human’s have an instinctual way to feel disingenuousness is other’s.

  1. That s why downvotes make me happy on Reddit. People even in the cover of anonymity still care about what others think and will not speak their mind. It s pretty lame.

  2. Yeah, but don’t use “being yourself” as an excuse for being shitty human being. Don’t change yourself to fit a mold, but recognize that the world around you doesn’t give a shit, and ultimately the only thing you *can* change is yourself.

  3. I really think it shouldn’t be ” be yourself.” it should be “be the best version of yourself.” You know your problems and you know what you need to do to improve them. People are only taken as they are by their parents. You have to prove yourself most of the time and present yourself as best as you can. Find your problems and fix them.

  4. I hate everything about the “real me”. He is a bad person with zero redeeming qualities, and the world is better without him. I can pretend to be a good person- and, in the process, ruin the lives of fewer people- and that is what I choose to do.

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