i (19f) had my first kiss with (19m) tonight and we have been talking for about a month now. like i said we just had our first kiss tonight and i dont know how to feel about it. he is really cute, and very respectful. but when he kissed me i felt like it might’ve been a little too much. he used a little tounge and bit my bottom lip (gently). i havent had much experience with kissing but i felt like for a first kiss it was too much. i dont know what to think or if i should tell him it was too much. i was hoping for a little peck, and wanted to take it slow in a way. i dont want to be mean or hurt his feelings by telling him i didnt like it.. any advice on what to do.?

1 comment
  1. First kisses run the spectrum from a soft peck on the lips to biting/nipping/tongue wrestling. Sounds like this landed somewhere in the middle. It’s all a matter of personal style. For every person who feels like you there is a person who feels like a chaste peck doesn’t even count as a kiss. He didn’t do anything wrong. You’re not wrong either. It’s just a style difference. But no, you shouldn’t critique his kissing. You can tell him that you want to take things slow. But a kiss with a little tongue is not exactly taking things fast. Assuming you go out with him again, just bring up what you mean by slow and if he kisses you with tongue again you can always pull back a little and give him a close mouthed kiss to see if he mirrors you.

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