This is more of a rant I guess but I’m having such a hard fucking time getting ppl to go out the house. I’m studying abroad rn and the ppl in the program are so fucking lame they all wanna be in bed by 11pm. You ask to go out and they all say “I’m gonna sit out this time I’m tired” EVERY WEEK. Then I ask to go out with the one person who wants to go and he implies he doesn’t want to go if it’s a small group. Maybe I’m being dramatic but when is the last time I’ve been out past midnight??? I feel like I’m wasting my life away. I considered going clubbing alone and then read some experiences which talked me out of it. I can’t even get ppl to see a fucking movie. I JUST WANNA DO SOMETHING!!!!! I have no friends back home bc of social anxiety and I wasn’t expecting to make life friends here but I thought I could at least have fun!!!! I’m so pissed, I feel like I’m wasting my youth away. Why does it feel like even when I try CONSTANTLY to do everything I’m supposed go do to have a social life it never fucking works! I can’t even make up for my lame high school social life by going hard in college. I just want to party, why is it so difficult? Its so fucking frustrating !!!!!!! Im so fuckibg tired of being constantly disappointed

  1. I understand your frustration, but if you come across bitter and angry in real life that could have something to do with it.

  2. I’m 30 and still have the same issue as you. Sometimes I feel like I’m playing a second fiddle game with people.

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