So this just happened where earlier today I was getting bummed out that I never go out and how I haven’t really had a lot of social experiences in college. I go downstairs to make some dinner and my roommates asked me if I could go out, but I said I was super tired. Idk why I said that, I could’ve easily gone out and I was earlier feeling really bad about not going out. I am going to initiate plans for next weekend, but it’s just frustrating because I am a big planner and I hate spontaneous plans.

  1. If you like to plan of you always initiaye it, you have time to mentally prepare and essentially plan. I would also say if you mean going out as in bars/ckubs and such also prepare yourself for a change of plans as they might flow difderntly with the vibe of each night. Have ease in planning the day of which the social activity will take place on and be flexible about the acitivty/place/time/guest etc. It gives you planning but still go with the flow access fire social situatons

  2. For me, I never turn down an invite if I truly can do it. I don’t ever remember being disappointed I went and am usually surprised at how much fun I had. Also, if you turn down invites it’s human nature that will be increasingly less likely to invite you again. They will feel rejected.

    Try to be a tad more spontaneous. It will help you navigate unforeseen circumstances in your professional life as well.

    Good luck! You can do it!

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