As the title says I’ve been fooling around for the past 2 years with guys. I was out of a straight relationship just over 3 years ago. I had a good few experiences in that time, probably received 20 blowjobs and topped two Cd’s in that time. Every single time I get post but clarity and instantly regret it, until I’m horny again. I don’t have find guys attractive, it’s just the ease of getting a bj I liked. I’ve tried a few different things in that time too. But recently it’s been different. Last time I got a bj I really hated myself. I put the thoughts and urges out of my head and I realised I’ve been much happier. If I was to find a girlfriend I guarantee these urges would be non existent.

I just want to know if anyone has felt the same and managed to successfully leave it in their past? I think about sex quite a lot and haven’t had much luck with women so that’s why my mind wandered to guys. But I feel like I’ve got to the point where I’ve done it and I want to move on and forget about it. It should be worth mentioning that nobody knows I’ve done this , only the people I was with.

Please no hate because I’m being genuine. I want to move past this. Call it bi or not straight but I just don’t want to think about it anymore. Any comments would be appreciated. Thank you.

  1. Of you don’t want to have sex with men…. Don’t have sex with men.

    It’s not complicated. Personally I would work on the shame. In the short term, try to learn to enjoy masturbating.

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