My daughter just turned 6. For her birthday, my parents bought her an iPad, this is the second time they’ve tried gifting her an iPad. I was annoyed because they keep buying her electronics, iPad, iPhone, laptop, tv, which a 6 year old doesn’t need and when I refuse they get mad at me and say I’m depriving her of necessities and that it’s their job as grandparents to spoil her.

We have all these items already we just limit her screen time. She’s allowed 30 mins a day (more for special occasions) but most of the time she doesn’t ask to watch anything because she genuinely enjoys either playing outside or doing crafts/drawing. I don’t want her to grow up addicted to screens like so many others so I want to encourage this as much as possible. Im so tired fighting with my parents about this. They think I’m being too strict. I’ve even stopped letting them baby sit as much because they stick her in front of a screen the entire time. I’m at a loss on what to so

  1. Tell them that she is your child and you will be the one to decide what gifts are acceptable. That being said, limiting screen time is fine but please keep in mind that the world is run on electronics these days and kids definitely need to develope computer skills. Maybe try downloading some education hames so you can feel more comfortable with a little more screen time.

  2. >They think I’m being too strict.

    They are allowed to think that. All day, all night.

    But no matter what they think… you are the parent and you decide what’s best for your kid.

    What to do? Donate the gifts to charity after you and your daughter do some arts and crafts on it outside. lol. After a few donations, from you two with their names included, maybe they’ll get the hint. Otherwise? It’ll be going to a good cause.

    If they keep fighting? Then tell them if they keep it up, you’ll begin limiting time with them. Either they respect your house, your family, your rules… or they have decided they don’t want to spend time with their grand-daughter. It’s their choice because, again, your house, your rules, your kid. “I love you guys and want you to spend time with us. But you will respect my rules or it’ll be your fault if you stop being invited over.”

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