What things can you each day to improve at being more social?

  1. Talk to people. I mean, I guess it depends on what you mean by a ‘social person’ but I think if you want to socialize more just start talking to people. Ask your cashier how their day is going and commiserate about the weather or whatever. Talk to people in line with you, talk to coworkers/classmates, talk to people with cool hair.

    The important thing is to just put yourself out there. Not everyone will want to have a convo, but that’s not your problem. Plenty of people will go their whole day without someone showing interest in them, so if you do show interest then not only are you being social but you’re probably making their day better too.

  2. Just start by acknowledging those around you. Say hello to people, etc. Then if a convo starts ask questions/show interest in them. Most people love to talk (they may not say anything, but they love to talk).

  3. Welcoming body language, confidence, getting rid of RBF, not trying too hard. Treat people as if you have known them your whole life but don’t force conversations or hold them too long.

  4. Consider speaking to a therapist and a psychiatrist.

    The therapist (psychologist) will help you speak more, and you’ll get better and better at storytelling and having intimate conservations. They are able to diagnose you with certain conditions like social anxiety disorder or depression, and will talk you through them, while giving you advice on how to manage them. They usually charge $80-$200 for a 45-minute session, but most insurances cover unlimited therapy sessions, which falls under mental health specialist. After insurance, you might pay $0-$40 co-pay/session for an in-network therapist. It’s normal to meet with a therapist once or twice a week.

    The psychiatrist is a medical doctor. They’re usually much smarter and more educated than therapists, and can prescribe medication. The psychiatrist can diagnose you with even more types of conditions, including ADHD and autism, and can give you medication for it. You would only meet with them once every few months for half an hour, since they’re pretty expensive, around $150-$400 for a 30-minute session. Insurance should cover them, except the good psychiatrists don’t accept insurance, meaning, they are “out-of-network”. If your insurance has out-of-network coverage, then you can just submit your receipt to your insurance, and they will reimburse you.

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