When changing sanitary products in public restrooms, how discreet are you being about it?

  1. Not very, it’s what a bathroom is for and I’m an adult human woman, I menstrate.

  2. Not at all, not like I’m trying to be as loud as possible but I am by no means trying to hide it.

  3. Don’t care at all. I do it like I’m home. Roll the used one blood inwards, or roll it into toilet paper so that it wouldn’t stink in the trash can. Then throw it there. For not stinking purpose, not for hiding.

    I don’t care if the package make sounds. there is nobody to shock with the fact that a random unknown woman in a public restroom having a period. There are other random unknown women around.

  4. Not at all. Even in situations where I’m worried a man can overhear. I’m a female and females have periods. If people think that’s gross they can grow up. I’m not responsible for making people feel comfortable- especially when I’m already dealing with the demonic UNCOMFORTABLENESS of my freaking period. Other people’s thoughts about me are the least of my worries at that time lol.

  5. This is a strange question.

    I’m focusing on the task at hand. I’m not yelling a running commentary for the other occupants but neither am I trying to avoid being heard. Why would I? The crinkle of wrappers is pretty tame compared to some of the sounds you might hear in such a place.

  6. I’m not at all, but it’s not like I’m yelling “hey everyone I’m pulling out a really nasty tampon right now!”

    On the other end, I’ve never paid attention to other women’s activities in the bathroom either, and we all know what we gotta do in regards to dealing with the women’s curse.

  7. More than I probably need to be, considering it’s a normal bodily function. But discretion is part of why I prefer tampons. A rustle of a wrapper is much better than the giant RIP of a pad. Plus I hate the way pads feel.

  8. I’ve lost all sense of fear of embarrassment by natural things. I just don’t care anymore. As a kid/teenager the mere thought that someone knew I was opening a pad in the bathroom terrified me. I don’t know if it’s related to the fact that I’ve had to be exposed over and over again for years of invasive medical procedures or what but I just can’t be fucked with caring anymore

  9. I’m not discreet, it’s a restroom and who cares if someone else can hear my paper wrapping rip?

  10. I don’t care. I mean I’m not announcing it over a loudspeaker but I’ve never pretended I don’t menstruate for anyone’s comfort. Women have periods. It’s a biological process.

  11. I use the period knickers nickers, so all good over here! But, when I did used to change my pads/tampons I wasn’t discreet either. Its a totally normal bodily function x

  12. Not discreet but when I used to use pads I would fold them and then wrap them on toilet paper. Mainly because pads smell so it’s best to be closed and I know periods are normal but that doesn’t mean I want strangers to look at my dry blood. Now I use diva cup and it’s game changer 100% so much better.

  13. Don’t give a shit, why would I be discreet about a thing we all do? Who’s gonna care?

  14. When I was a teen I used to feel shy about that, now idgaf. We’re all women in there, what am I trying to hide.

  15. Why should anyone try to hide that they’re changing a pad or tampon? It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

    My only rule is to leave the place as clean as when I entered, no traces of blood, and the used one correctly disposed of.

  16. Well since I assume that everyone that uses the restroom has had a period at one time or another. I’m not discreet at all. There are too many things in life to concern me for this to be added to the list.

  17. Why should you have to be discreet in a woman’s toilet? Obviously I do it in the cubicle rather than sat up on the sink. But otherwise we’re all human

  18. I dont hide it, or make it obvious. Its normal and human. No sense trying to hide it, cause it’s not something to be embarrassed about 🤷‍♀️

  19. Not at all. Have you been in women’s bathrooms? They’re gross. Seriously someone pooped on the wall in my office. How does that even work?

    I am hygienic about blood though. I wrap everything up and put it in the proper waste dispenser.

  20. I’m not. It’s the bathroom, I’m there to do my business and get out. If the sounds of me opening a thing, wrapping a thing, or even taking a shit are offensive, then maybe the offended person should hold it and go elsewhere I guess.

  21. I’m only discreet when I hear another woman with her young kids in the same restroom. Don’t want them mistaking me for having candy lol

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