Surely there’s something you have ring-fenced as NEVER being for cutbacks?

My boss at work has said I still have to buy everyone donuts from ASDA and brioche bread for the office, that’s not getting cutbacks.

Plus, the boss just spent £340,000 on 8 new Transit vans for work, replacing models that were just 18 months old, which he’s selling off online. That’s around £42,500 per vehicle, if my maths is right.

20 years ago, he replaced 18-month old Volkswagen vans that he bought for around £18,500 – total value £148,000 for all 8 with new Peugeot vans a year later in 2003, he spent around £180,000 in total on them, only 18 months later in September 2004, he spent £190,000 on new Ford Transit vans; people at where I work were quite annoyed with how the boss kept chopping and changing the work vans and they never had them for long.

I’ve worked at this firm for 28 years now, first starting as a 19-year-old in April 1994 who began doing secretarial stuff, now got into management.

What’s your opinion on this sort of thing?

Go on, what’s your thing you’ll NEVER cut back on and why is it so good?

  1. Good coffee, good herbal tea. I’m not a huge coffee snob or anything but I can’t stand Nescafe and bitter supermarket own brand coffee. I’d much rather cut back to one coffee a day.

    Hiking boots. It’s my main hobby, and having dry feet (and lack of twisted ankles) is a god send on multi day trips.

  2. I mean I’d never say never but a good broadband connection probably, since my computer is at the core of basically all my hobbies. And similarly, if my computer broke I would sacrifice pretty much everything but food to buy a new one, for the same reasons.

  3. Nice coffee, the expensive food & treats my cat likes and nicer clothes.

    I’ve worked too hard in life to go back to wearing rubbish like when I was younger.

    I’m not talking about Gucci or anything ridiculous, but I’ll never step foot in a Primark again if I can help it.

  4. High quality tinned tomatoes.

    They are the core of so many dishes and so better flavour here makes a dramatic difference to the end result.

  5. Tyres. Always buy the best and hope you never have to find out how good they are.

    Also, anything my kids like to eat/drink, the price of rubicon juice has gone through he roof and they drink it by the gallon.

  6. There’s a hot tap broken and constantly going in one of the toilets in my office. Nobody’s fixed for at least a year and the water is always steaming hot.

    Also even on overtime when there’s maybe 15 people in, every single ceiling light in the whole multi story office is on.

  7. Heating. I ain’t sitting in my home cold. I want to be nice and comfortable sat in shorts and t shirt.

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