So I have been seeing a great guy for 4 weeks. We met on holiday and things have developed from there. We go on regular dates and when we’re together, the dynamic is relationship-y and great.

However, his messaging is delayed after we go on dates. He will not respond to WhatsApp messages, but view my IG story. This has happened twice now, but I don’t like it. How do you have a conversation and set clear expectations about this so early in a not-even-a-relationship? Is that too much? Should I just let it slide or keep it jovial or set clear boundaries? And how have you successfully set those boundaries without being a killjoy?

This is triggering past relationship issues that I’ve had, and I really want to avoid that with this relationship.

1 comment
  1. Remember if you both want this to go somewhere, you’re a team. So if his texting habits aren’t working for you, you’re free to ask him about it and see where he’s at. Notice I said ask and not demand tho. Now the reason he give may not be one you like but you have the choice to say “Sorry, this is what I need” and find someone else.

    Or first step is still getting input from him on this, tho.

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