Whenever I start getting more and more serious with someone, and start dating them I just want to breakup, be single and feel a deep anxiety to get out.

It’s not like I want to sleep around or keep my options open, I actually am a very asexual person that would love to be in a committed relationship, but every time it happens I always find something wrong.

TLDR: (17f)
Whenever I start getting more and more serious with someone and then start dating them I just want to breakup, be single and feel a deep anxiety to get out.

It seems like nobody is ever enough for me, and there is always something wrong with them, but I think it’s just me and maybe my standards are too high or I have something psychologically wrong.


  1. How does the anxiety manifest? Are you picking apart their flaws? Dreading talking to them? What is going through your mind when you get anxious?

  2. Alternative take: You’re just not READY to commit to someone. You’re 17 years old. Thats exactly the age when you’re supposed to be learning about what you like and what you don’t like. Its totally normal to be interested and then realize it was just a little crush and it wasn’t anything big.

    Your standards aren’t too high and there’s definitely not anything wrong with you.

    Better to date nobody than to lower your standards and date total drips or dirtbags just for the sake of dating.

  3. Best decision you can make is find a spouse you’re attracted to and gives you happiness. You need to fight these thoughts that you’ll jump from guy to guy , increasing your body count and having major relationship problems. This can make or break your future relationships.

  4. Honestly I’m the same way are you a dismissive/ avoidant because we literally run from everything it’s hard to hold us down were usually emotionally unavailable and hard to keep/ please.

    & honestly no one is ever good enough for us because that is exactly what our experiences have taught us!

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