Just as the title says really. I like receiving oral from my bf and he literally always begs me to allow him. But he only likes the face sitting position is there a particular reason for this? I’ve tried to do other positions, I like sniper cause he can add fingers but he doesn’t seem to like anything else other than face sitting. Is this normal or something to be concerned about?

  1. There are a few factors that could be at play here, obviously he likes to go down on you if he’s begging for it, that position might be his favorite because he feels smothered, it also gives you a bit more control that usual as you can hold his head in place and rock yourself to just the right position.

    He may also like it because it makes him feel less in control, has he expressed any other desires to be less dominant and more submissive? Maybe he likes when you take control?

    The only issue I’d see is if it was making you uncomfortable, but if he’s willing and having fun and you are too, I’d say it’s just his favorite and you should talk things over to see how you can make things better for you both.

  2. I absolutely love it when my gf sits on my face. Huge fan of face sitting. She so pretty. You are too probably. Just let it happen:) You sit on his face with a big smile. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)

  3. I don’t think it is necessarily anything to be concerned about as long as you are getting your needs met as well.

    I am making a pretty educated assumption that he probably likes you dominating him slightly by sitting on his face. He likes to feel a little submissive to you in that act. Could be wrong. But I would bet money this is it.

    What direction do you face when sitting on his face? Toward his feet?

    If finger are what you need. Try sitting and facing towards the top of his head. My wife and I use this position 90% of the time when I give her oral. When she faces the top of my head, I can easily insert fingers into her (which she loves when getting oral) and/or play with her ass a little as well.

    Honestly, I (and my wife) prefer her sitting on my face. But, we often do sniper position too, just to switch things up now and then. There is no reason why multiple rounds of oral in multiple positions cannot happen during one sexy session.

  4. He’s being pretty selfish if he only wants it in a position he likes. It could be because his neck hurts with the angle when you’re on your back, my fiance has mentioned this when his neck is bothering him. Tell him you want to relax sometimes and see what he says. Just ask him why he always prefers you sitting on his face. Personally, I often find it harder to relax and cum when I’m face sitting so it’s not my favorite. I just ask to switch positions if it’s not working though, shouldn’t be a problem with your partner if you do the same.

  5. if you’re both happy and satisfied with your arrangement– or if he’s amenable to altering it, should you wish– then nope, nothing to worry about.

    when you said you tried to alter it, do you mean like you’re just curious about other positions and tried to subtly guide him to them, or like you’re unsatisfied with this, told him that, and he ignored you?

  6. Yeah, it’s a kink and there’s nothing wrong with it as long as you enjoy the ride…..waterboard him.

  7. For me it’s the best view. I know it can be a turn off for guys to be looking like … 👀 … while licking the cooter but when the girls leaning back or crouched forward I can get a peak and my god that view 🥴🤌🏾. Plus I feel likes it’s a smooth transition to 69 which is a favorite of mine. I’m sure you have nothing to worry about tho. 👌🏽

  8. The “Sniper position” for me is a lot of neck strain. The way I overcome that is I kneel on the floor with her in bed. Sometimes lift her butt with a wedge pillow. I can also have her flip over, ass up/ head down. Lots of access.

  9. You have every reason to be concerned.

    Whenever men want to have sex with women it is always from a violent need to assert dominance.

    To keep women safe men should only be having sex with OTHER MEN.

  10. I love when my girl sits on my face cause i can look up at her as she plays with her tits and even with her sitting on my face i throw in that finger play. Its my favorite position to eat pussy and i love it

  11. Until you’ve had a vagina lower itself down onto you, you just can’t understand.

  12. Nothing to be worried out lol, my kinks do involve when my girlfriend sits on my face or if my face is in her big tits. Makes me finish pretty quick 😂🥰

  13. I love eating pussy but there’s just something amazing about the face sitting 🦫 mmmmm!

  14. A lot of dudes are into this. Tell him to do it however you enjoy it, and maybe offer face sitting as a reward if he makes you cum.

  15. I love having a girl sit on my face with her wet pussy.

    But… Sex is a two person event. We both need to be fulfilled. If that doesn’t happen, then it’s not fair. We both deserve to be a tired, sweaty mess.

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