Does the worry and resentment ever go away after your partner cheats? Mine technically didn’t cheat, that I know of….but he did try to meet/hook up with a woman he met while he was bartending at his job. He texted her after work seeing if she wanted to meet up and hangout, they were flirting, she was drunk, she said they didn’t end up meeting up but I truly believe it’s only because she already left the venue. If she was still there, I think he would’ve cheated on me. I only know because I texted her number because it was in his text logs on the phone bill but deleted from his texts. He completely denied it and acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about until I showed him the screenshot she sent me of their conversation. This was about 6 months ago and I’m still having trouble trusting him while he’s at work or if he goes out with friends. He lies about silly things so I feel like he’ll lie about this kind of thing again. He says it’s been long enough that I should forgive him and move on from it and not worry or through it in his face because he didn’t cheat on me and “I didn’t fuck anyone and you treat me like I did” is what he says when I question him. I don’t want to feel worried when he’s gone, I want to feel secure in our relationship and believe him when he tells me he isn’t doing anything wrong and won’t do that again. I’m so torn between trusting him and being betrayed again and it’s really ruining our relationship. I want us to fix the issues but I don’t know how to let go of his mistake and treat him how I treated him before I knew he was trying to hook up with a random woman he just met.

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