UPDATE: I posted about my relationship last year and a lot of folks had some great advice that I wasn’t ready to hear at the time. I want to encourage you that if you’re in a relationship like mine that it’s not normal to be treated that way, and that things will feel better on the other side. I left him in July of this year and am very happy with my decision. I feel positive about life again and physically, spiritually and emotionally much happier.

I just wanted to thank everyone for your support and comments and share some resources. There’s a great closed community for women/femmes on Facebook called “Should I Stay or Should I Go.” A great book called “Too Bad to Stay, Too Good to Leave.” Another good one, by Lundy Bancroft, called “Why Does He Do That.” I am also getting a lot out of a book called “Codependent No More” by Melanie Beattie, which I highly recommend! I know for some people it seems incredible that someone could be in a relationship that was so clearly unhealthy and think that it was somehow, someday going to work for them, but I’ve found that it’s sadly common. As someone recently wrote on Twitter, we have this narrative about marriage/relationships being a lot of misery and work and bickering and disrespect, maybe because we’re being conditioned to think this is all we (honestly, mostly women) should expect. But you know what? No thank you to that, never again.

My TL;DR is this: On the day I left him I showed up at one of my closest friends’ house with my dog and a suitcase, crying. She listened to me, fed me, and put me up in her spare room. As I went to sleep that night I reflected on how safe I felt in her house and her presence. How I had never been afraid that she would mock me, disbelieve me, call me names or get angry with me for being myself. If your romantic relationship doesn’t feel like that, like a friendship where you are loved, liked, respected, believed, cared for and comfortable, it’s a relationship you shouldn’t stay in


  1. Woohoo! Congrats! A success story. Thanks for sharing.

    Well wishes on the next phase of your life!

  2. Congrats on getting out of that shitshow and only good things coming your way from here on out…

    Here’s to new beginnings and may the angels surround and protect you…

    Really proud of you πŸ’œ

  3. Was it a hard decision to make? Years ago, I was not in a good relationship. After hearing about how he was treating me by family, who cared enough to say something about the guy I was engaged to at the time, I chose to break up with him. Difficult to do, but it’s better being single than to be treated in ways that are not good at all. So glad you are doing better now.

  4. First of all, good for you and congrats for taking your life back!!! As someone who made the leap years ago, I am so happy to read this! It is SO hard to make the decision and then actually go through with it. It is not until you look back and realized how fucked up it was. I hope this post reaches the right person who is contemplating leaving. If you are thinking about it, you probably should. The feeling comes back every time.

  5. I’m really happy for you. One thing I learned in life, and I’m only in my fifties. As we get older, we all deserve to be happy and we should prevent spending useless years unhappy. Sometimes it’s better to be alone then wishing one was alone. God bless you.

  6. Happy to hear that you got out and are doing a lot better!

    You’re absolutely right it is an unfortunate narrative. Thank you for spreading the word and giving safe spaces for other to go to who may be in a similar situation.

  7. It’s not often we get good news on this sub. Enjoy your new life! So very happy for you πŸ™‚

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