My girlfriend (22F) and I (22M) have been together for about 3 months. We’ve gotten into a few fights over things that I personally think are rather insignificant. I’ll describe these in the most objective way I can, and I’d like to hear other’s thoughts on these conflicts, which are in chronological order

For reference we are both graduate students.

1) I had a busy morning and was running late for class. I texted GF after waking up, cook breakfast, prepared for class, commuted, sat in class, and had a meeting afterwards. GF texted me back sometime in between, and I replied after I wrapped up my responsibilities (after ~3-4hrs). She got upset, saying I was taking too long to respond to her, and that next time I should take some time to at least tell her I’m busy. I told her that it’s normal for us to be busy, and that I don’t think it’s reasonable to always text her when I’m having a particularly busy day. In my opinion it’s totally normal for couples to not text back for a while, that’s just a part of daily life.

2) Our week just ended and we planned to meet late at night for food+Netflix. Usually we cook together on Friday nights (always at my place, which we prefer), but at the time I had literally nothing to cook (needed to get groceries). I told her “it might be easier if we just eat separately today and then watch the movie after, because I literally have no ingredients to cook.” She got very offended by this, saying that I just didn’t want to eat with her. I was just being practical, since there was pretty much nothing to cook and I could just eat light/snacks before she came over. This argument pretty much ruined the whole weekend

3) This one’s a bit nuanced, so bare with me.
I got sick after returning from a vacation trip with her. She gave me some Tylenol and Chinese traditional medicine that I wasn’t familiar with (she’s Chinese). I ended up only taking the Tylenol, because I wasn’t sure what the traditional medicine was, or if it had any harmful conflicts with Tylenol. When I told her I didn’t take the Chinese medicine she got upset, basically saying “oh so you don’t trust me.” When I explained my concerns, she immediately pivoted the conversation to a previous disagreement we had (asking if I deleted old pictures of my ex girlfriend from my phone, which I just viewed as old memories). I told her I already deleted them (which was true), and then asked her why she was bringing that up. From my perspective, it looked like she was just trying to find something to get upset about. Her reasoning was “you didn’t listen to me for the medicine so I’m not sure whether you listened to me for the pictures.” These things are totally unrelated in my mind, and the whole situation made me very angry.

We ended up getting into a huge argument after the whole medicine stuff. I told her that I felt she was getting upset about too many things that seem insignificant/petty. She is saying that I’m pushing all of the issues onto her, and that I never accept fault for these things. I brought up our past arguments, and noted that in the case of argument 1, she recently did the exact same thing to me (didn’t reply to my text for ~4.5hrs). I wasn’t bothered by this, because I knew she was busy, but this didn’t seem to affect her opinion about the matter.

I’d like to get some perspective from others. I genuinely feel like these arguments are all ridiculous and immature.

**TLDR:** GF (22F) and I (22M) have been together for ~3months, and have gotten into a few arguments that I find really unnecessary (me not texting her for a few hours when I’m super busy, me not taking traditional chinese medicine that I was unfamiliar with, etc).

  1. It’s been three months, doesn’t sound like you both work/communicate well. Don’t think it’s worth salvaging at this point.

  2. She is too high maintenance and quick to anger. I wouldn’t continue the relationship. Being alone is better than walking on eggshells, n’est-ce pas?

  3. These are red flags. She is looking for reasons to be angry and then bringing up other things to escalate the conflict. Her feelings matter and your’s don’t. This doesn’t bode well.

  4. Communication/attachment issues are not uncommon this early on, but if there is already a LOT of tension here with those things then that is not a good sign.

    My bf [21M] and I [23F] definetly had some problems similar to yours in the beginning. Much like your gf, I didn’t like when he wouldn’t text me back for long periods of time because to me, it felt like he didn’t care. And I was frustrated when he would drift off when I was talking at times, which increased the feeling that he just didn’t care.

    We had a few long talks and now, 1.5 years in, we have pretty much completely worked out these issues. I told him it was important to me that he at least say good morning and that he will be busy (and say maybe something a lil more romantic to just let me know he’s thinking of me), and now he does this most of the time. When he doesn’t, and it’s 2pm and he hasn’t texted, do I still get a little frustrated? Yes, but I am now so much more secure in our relationship that those things don’t shake me to my core or anything lol

    Anyways, that is all to say that in my opinion these issues are important and need to be talked about early on. And if you guys can’t have a calm, mature conversation about it and find a compromise/way to relieve the tension when things “go wrong”, then it is simply not a compatible relationship.

    Sorry for the length of this reply, but I hope this helped!

  5. If there are this many issues just to keep the rela functioning when it’s barely started, you’re not going to work well together. About the specific arguments, mostly she was irrational. I will say that I can see how your only solution to not having groceries being not to eat together at all could come across as an excuse for not wanting to have dinner with someone. Not the massive fight she turned into, but I would expect that to create some confusion or mild hurt feelings.

  6. This is why you date someone. You guys aren’t compatible. Congratulations it only took you 3 months to figure that out. If you are just with her for fun and can ignore the BS then put up with it as long as you can and then move on. If you want a serious relationship then move on now.

  7. She sounds exhausting. If every little thing you do is going to start a petty fight, you should probably walk away. Being alone is much more preferable (IMO) to wondering what action you do will set her off

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