I hear it’s normal for women to leak from their breasts from time to time, but I haven’t really heard a lot of people talking about it. A man sucking on my tits is a huge turn on, I love him playing with my nipples so I’m curious about what the experience might be like if it happens.

  1. It rarely happens. Usually the nipples release fluid before or after pregnancy but not randomly.

  2. That could be from a hormonal imbalance. Usually too much prolactin. It usually doesn’t just happen randomly.

  3. After my wife gave birth I accidentally drank from her titties while having sex. My wife and I love that I suck her nipples so we just did what we always do. Didn’t mean to actually drink milk. I came so hard, it was a huge turn on apparently. She doesn’t lactate anymore, but sometimes i do taste something when I suck her nipples. I think it’s just small discharge. It still turns me on.

    I miss the days when she lactated.

  4. My ex gf always produces some milk from her breasts. It’s very sweet. Tastes great. Was neither turn on nor turn off, just a fun thing to do. Sometimes she would squirt me in the face while we were having sex. Or put some in my breakfast cereal.

  5. Was w a girl one time only, and things got going.
    She was very into it.
    I was on her breast, sucking her nipple hard, and boom. I got a fluid that really taste odd, made my mouth instantly dry, and oddly enough, want to pucker.
    Was over 30 yrs ago but I remember it like it was yesterday.
    I knew it wasn’t normal but had (and still don’t), have any clue what it was.
    She seemed very fit, and healthy otherwise, but I would say she was very excited, and declined my advances since it was her monthly.
    Never experienced anything like that since. 🤷‍♂️

  6. I’ve been with a number of women who expressed some sort of fluid when I sucked on their nipples, and it has usually been sweet one time it was bitter/acrid.
    I think it’s some sort of hormonal response to what’s happening, and I’d wager it’s a good indication of how turned on they are/how much they’re enjoying it.

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