How would you rate your emotional intelligence, on a scale of 1-10 (1 – needs a lot of work, 10 – I got this down 100%). And why?

  1. 7.

    I have already spent 10 years working on my emotional intelligence in therapy.

    I have the ability to recognise and regulate my feelings. Set appropriate boundaries.

  2. I think about an 8 or so. I worked for it though. I use to have horrible emotional intelligence. In hindsight it was necessary to survive a tumultuous/toxic upbringing. But still unhealthy

  3. I’d rate myself like an 8 I think. I’m in my late 30s, had a lot of life experience and especially emotional experience, and have managed to get things figured out pretty well. I’ve also had a couple of really great therapists throughout the years, not to mention all my loved ones.

    But, there’s always room for improvement and lots of situations I don’t have experience with.

  4. I’d say a 9. It doesn’t come naturally to me and my emotions are often out of calibration with those around me so it’s something I’ve had to spend a lot of time working on over my lifetime.

  5. An 8 or 9. I think there’s always room for improvement, but I’ve been in therapy for 16 years now, so… I’m pretty fucking self aware, and pretty good at looking at my thoughts or feelings and figuring out where that came from or why I think/feel that way.

  6. 6? I’d like to work on better wording my feelings towards others. I find it very hard sometimes to explain what I am feeling and it often leads to a discussion with my boyfriend until I find the words to say what is really going on.

    I also wish I could react with more empathy to other’s feelings. I tend to possible come across quite apathic (bc I don’t always say things like “oh I am so sorry”) especially towards patients (I’m a med student and for now I have only had simulation patients and this is the feedback I always get). The reason I don’t is because I feel like I sound so sarcastic when saying it, it’ll just make the other person feel worse. I’m more the type to show my compassion by helping out, but I realise that is not always enough to make someone feel like I feel with them and think about them.

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