if you were to be burned alive, your eyeballs would melt before you die

  1. Sabertooth tigers used to hunt early humans by biting their head from behind, sinking their canines in their eye sockets, and ripping the top of their skull off.

  2. If our solar system was the size of a quarter, our Galaxy would be the size of the continental United States.

    That’s just our galaxy. We are so infinitely tiny and irrelevant and our lives are so short in comparison to the universe that nothing we do will matter and it’s all just a slow march to death.

  3. Every 7 years on average, all your body’s cells are replaced.

    So you aren’t actually the same person you were 7 years ago.

    And 7 years from now, you’ll be someone completely different, but that person will have all your memories and will look like you.

    It’s not “scary”, but I find it pretty chilling if you think about it too long. What really makes you- you? Is it your body or your mind?

    Because your body is never the same, and you even change looks as you age. But if your memories are YOU, then what happens if we gave someone else all your memories and experiences? Would they be you?

  4. Humans meat tastes closest to pork. In some cannibal cultures it’s referred to as long pig.

    Human skin is so stretchy one man’s skin can be stretched to nearly the length of a football field, and that’s actually been done. (Mengele was a fucked up dude)

    Before modern anesthetic, amputation was done while you were awake, and felt everything. A doctor’s prestige was based on speed far more than skill.

    Circumcisions on babies were done without anesthetic, because it was believed they couldn’t feel pain… Until the 1990s.

  5. a gallon of water weighs about 8 pounds, a fire sprinkler can push out 60 gallons a minute and its possible it could kill you if you get trapped.

    every commercial building has fire sprinklers btw

  6. The universe might exist in a false vacuum, which means the higs field can collapse at any minute, turning all matter into energy im a bubble propagating at the speed of light, and we wouldn’t be able to see it coming, we would just stop existing

  7. More than 50% of the cells of your body are not your own. They belong to organisms in/on you.

  8. Your house is not anywhere near as secure as you think it is.

    99% of houses can be broken into in under a minute.

  9. When i was in primary school i read a fact about the deepest ocean in the world – if you were to throw a rock into it, it would take 2 hours to sink. And also we have only discovered 2% of what lives in the ocean

  10. Corruption in society is everywhere. Don’t become educated, don’t learn about the world. It is fucking miserable.

  11. Odds are a nuclear weapon will be obtained by non state actors and detonated in a major city, second fact, its almost a certainty that a bio weapon will by created and used in an act of terrorism, not if but when.

  12. That people can steal your identity really easy by just bumping into you. Your bank cards and state ID can be scanned through your wallet and pants. Yes your state ID can be scanned. They’ll have your bank information ( aside from PIN code), full name, birthdate, address, etc. Then just go online and commit fraud purchases.

    It’s more common than you think and you need to update your wallet to a electric wallet or one of those metal wallets. Leather won’t protect your information. The most common victims of this are the elderly.

  13. From memory, so any clarification from experts is appreciated:

    Gravity increases as a function of planet size. There is a point where a planet’s size will prohibit any rocket from reaching space or attaining orbit. It becomes physically impossible to produce enough force, at least with the chemical reactions we currently use.

    IIRC, that size is about 1.5 X Earth. If Earth was bigger, we would never have reached space, nor would we have any satellites/GPS/comms, etc.

  14. With no substenance your stomach eats itself

    Human meat is sweet

    In the snow scene of the Wizard of Oz they used asbestos

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