I am a 19yo boy who wants to have female friends. I’m not able to make conversation long and interesting, maybe you could help me with it. You can DM me and we can chat for 5 min and then you can tell me where did i went wrong, what you could have said…

I’ve been an average child with a low confidence. I lack social communicative skills i can’t make eye contact idk why, if I try to focus on making eye contact then i can’t properly focus on what the other person is saying.

Your few minutes or tips could help me.

  1. Ask people about themselves and act interested. Over time it will become easier and less awkward. Give yourself goals like…today I’m going to talk to 3 people and ask each two questions and make two statements. Or something along those lines. Or go on an online dating site and just go on dates, it’s a great way to force yourself to learn social skills. It’s all about practice makes perfect, the more you do it the better you’ll get.

  2. Have a look on YouTube at open and closed questions, it should give you some tips, and have a look at a few of them.

  3. I’m very socially awkward, but the best end goal in my experience is to have an activity you guys have in common tor there to be smth tò talk about.
    Working together on smth or doing smth together is a good ice breaker especially if its just the 2 of u. Keep asking questions nothing too personal and if ur really want to befriend a friend group of girls be nice to them all, but mainly try to be friends with a few like one or two at a time so you can give all your time and memory towards them and move on to the next always support them if they fail tell give positive feedback no matter what happens and if u give bad feed back do it in a joking way. Eg: WHAT HAPPENED, WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO, WE CANT ALL BE WINNERS, say it in a joking voice laughing or if they really ain’t feeling it don’t do nothing their friend will console her just be by their side to atleast let her know u were there and do what they say most importantly.

  4. Write down a couple of Sentences u want to speak with friends….Practise it on the table 2,3 as many times till u learn by heart

    Ok this I time exercise

    Now practise before Mirror

    & mk eye contact with ursrlf

    Simple Sentences

    What’s up

    What is ur prgm

    Where are u going
    Iam with u

    Please have tea,if you are free

    Can u help me,in my home work/project

    What is this

    Please giv me notes

    Please giv ur copy

    How do you study

    What is ur time mngmt.

    When do you study

    Do u like maths

    U can use it with boys /girls /uncles/aunties

    Call Avis – 99677 48877
    Pers. Dev. & Pub. Spk.

  5. Affirmations, summaries, and open ended questions.

    Affirmations: “My mom always does this and it frustrates me.” “You’re like, what the hell mom, leave me alone!”

    Makes people feel like you’re in agreement with them even if you actually arent. This usually encourages someone to speak more about it

    Summaries: “…and that’s the story of how I started working in IT.” “Wow, you came to America as a kid, and paid your own way through college? Your parents must be proud!”

    Similar to affirmations, shows the person you’re taking to that you’re actively listening to what they say. Can also open up further conversation “Your parents must be proud!”

    Open ended questions: Instead of asking a lot of yes/no questions like “Do you like your job,” try asking your questions in a way that lets the other person approach the question their way. “What is your job like?”

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