In my class that day, we were split into new groups aside from the tables where we usually sat. The professor timed us for two minutes for each person in each group (in order from which our group decides) to talk about the topics on the board. I apparently was the last person to speak in the group because the others wanted to go first, which I didn’t mind because it gave me time to think what I wanted to talk about (though I was still nervous).

I talked for a bit when it was my turn, until all of the sudden my mind went blank.

I stuttered a lot and I was trying to spit out anything I could instead of saying nothing. I just ended up stumbling on my words, making no sense at all and I don’t even know if the people at my table could understand what I was saying. It was so embarrassing for me that I could feel my cheeks becoming incredibly hot, feeling more stupid by each second. I added on a few more things that I talked about before closing off, which was right on time when the timer went off.

Anyways, this is somewhat irrelevant but I’m just glad my crush wasn’t there to witness all of this, otherwise this would be 10x more embarrassing than it already was.

I also googled about this for some random reason, and seems that I was talking too fast that my mind wasn’t keeping up and not producing any more information. Well, I guess we learn something everyday.

Yeah, that’s all I wanted to get off my chest. Thanks for reading 🙂

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