Update to my original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/xyxz1a/how_do_you_ask_out_a_stranger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

First of all, my last post got a lot of attention and good suggestions, thanks everyone for the help!

So i buckle up and went to approach him. I thinks i catch him by surprise or something. I introduce myself and ask him about some school stuff and our interests, it went better than i expected and we had a really nice chat, albeit a bit awkward. I ask him if we can go get coffee but he declined, he has his part-time job after this. However he said we can hang out and study together here tomorrow.

Its too early to tell, but if its didn’t work out, at least i’ll make a new friend.

My first time approach someone like this and i did better than i thought, that’s enough for me, i’m proud of myself for making progress, even if its one baby step at a time.

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