So I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8am-6:30pm, off Wednesdays and weekends. Would never contemplate going back to 5 days a week and love my midweek break. Just wondering what other people do and how they find it works for them.

  1. M-F 8-5pm remote.

    Best schedule I’ve ever had. Less for the same pay would always be better though.

  2. I would never do a mid week break. Having a solitary day off is useless to me. I would likely quit if a job tried to force me to have Wed off instead of Friday or Monday.

  3. Monday – Friday, 7-3

    It’s probably the best perk of my firm – the flexible working hours. I could just as easily choose to work 8-4, or even 6-2. Leaves a lot more daylight to spend my own time during Winter.

  4. Mon-Wed 8:30-8ish, Thurs 8:30-5


    Wed 8:30-5, Thu/Fri 8:30-8ish, Sat 7:30-7ish.

    Alternates every 10 weeks.

    I like having 3 days off.

  5. M-F house vary every week based on customer need.
    In a previous job Tues-Sat 7-6. Was nice had a day off with the family and one off alone. Got a lot accomplished on Monday as there were less people around to both me.

  6. Monday-Friday 8-430 with Monday and Friday being wfh. Getting up early sucks but not having free time later in the day sucks more imo

  7. At the moment, Mon-Fri 0730 to 1530. That will change after I finish initial training.

    I hate working 5/2. It’s possibly the worst shift pattern I’ve ever encountered.

  8. usually i go 3-5 hours without a break and accomplish 70% of my daily work in the morning. have lunch for an hour kinda meander for 2 hours at severely low productivity and then in the last hour of work accomplish the other 30%.

    once at home i’m productive again for my own things from 7pm-midnight

    i like my 9-5, it’s just a pain to scheadule things like doctor appointments.

    in crunch time i usually can go 10 hour days non-stop but longest i can last doing that is 3 weeks.

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