I am back in the dating game after 5 years of marriage. I’m not God’s gift to women, I think I’m average looks, chunky yet funky. However I am a good man. I’m funny, I’m mature, I know how to communicate, and have my life together. I’ve been told I am very likeable and cute. I’m convinced women in online dating don’t respond much. They make the profile at some point and forget about it or are there for an ego boost. The women I have met online, I haven’t been impressed with. Immature, living with or relying on parents, or just shy and awkward.

I would love to meet a great, beautiful, confident woman who is kicking butt in her career, is funny, and shares similar interests. I never match with or get responses from the women I really am interested in online. I think my best option is to meet women in person, organically, though I mostly stay home in my free time, so I need to get advice on where to go to meet great single women.

  1. Are you great, beautiful, and kicking “but” in your career? It will mostly come down to that. People stay within their leagues.

    Regardless advice is to go out and join some activities like volunteering or meetup groups that pertain to your hobbies.

  2. It could be your online profile needs changing. Most women that like staying at home use dating apps.

    Change the profile bio to something catchy and to bring out the best of you. Online dating you meet women organically, it’s just a tool to meet women.

    Take cool photos and a good bio is all you need. I never have problems and have found my wife of 3 years on a dating app.

  3. “I would love to meet a great, beautiful, confident woman who is kicking butt in her career, is funny, and shares similar interests. I never match with or get responses from the women I really am interested in online.”

    Are you seeking what you offer?

  4. Pick a hobby and be consistent. You need to go out more, but the common mistake people make is just trying every different event they can find but only getting a surface level or beginner interest, and then they feel like the scene is dead. To tell the truth, the scene is dead in a lot of places, so if you actually stick with something you actually have enjoyment in and you can get excited from even one new person showing up to meetups just because it means you can engage in your hobby more, you’ll find that optimism and consistency will help you find what scene does exist and will go a long way towards rebooting or revitalizing the scene.

    Also, when you go out to bars, keep an eye out for activity nights, like karaoke, trivia, pool tournaments, etc. If you go to dive bars to just hang out and make that your haunt, you’ll likely just attract a lot of desperation and people with substance abuse issues, tbh.

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